For anyone who has worked on an embedded project, you can understand the hassle of loading code onto a microcontroller. To alleviate this issue and cut down on the extra time that comes from this process, DMC designed and built a custom boot loading tool. This boot loader communicates with MCUs using UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). UART communication uses physical circuitry to send and receive serial data between two devices.

The DMC boot loader has three important features that help improve its use. The first of which is it has an onboard micro USB port. This port allows for serial communication with a CPU via a USB to micro USB cord (like you would use to charge a phone).
The second important feature of the boot loader is that it has onboard reset and boot buttons. This allows for the user to easily put their MCU into boot loading mode by resetting the MCU while pressing the bootloader button.
The third feature of this board that is important is the five-pin connector. This connector is how the bootloader communicates with the target MCU.
For most DMC embedded projects, there is a standard 5 pin header that is compatible with the boot loader’s connector. Through this mounting, we can send and receive the serial data, as well as reset and put the board into boot loading mode. Even if a board doesn’t have a compatible mount, you can manually connect the boot loader’s TX, RX, boot, ground, and reset pins to the appropriate locations on the target board to achieve the same functionality.
This tool is one example of many internal initiatives DMC has undertaken to be more efficient and profitable.
Learn more about DMC's Embedded Development and Programming Solutions. Contact us for additional information.
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